Canady Financial Group


What We Do


You know you want to plan for retirement but you don’t know where to start 


We map out your desired retirement income along with the amount of money you need to fund your retirement 


You realize that you have to pay taxes but you also realize that you are paying more in taxes than you have to. You want to lower your lifetime tax bill


Some people try to take advantage of the tax code…..they will probably get caught. But a large section of the US tax code is designed to show you how to use the tax code to your advantage. We show you how to put those dollars back in your pocket 


Most advisors you have spoken to recommend putting as much money in the market as you can but you have cash you can’t afford to lose but you hate that you are only getting 0.01% in the bank


We are experienced in using tools that protect your cash while giving you the potential for growth much higher than 0.01%


You don’t know what will happen to your family if something happens tomorrow. You know you should have a will or Trust, Life Insurance, as well as a clear picture of how your family would be cared for if you are not here but you have no idea where to start 


We design a plan to insure the income producing potential of your life. We also help you put a plan in place that we give you the peace of knowing that your family will be taken care of

“Failing to plan is planning to fail” – Benjamin Franklin

Create A Better
